samedi 7 mai 2016


Hello All

To quote the classic:
And now for something totally different.
About a year ago I found in the internet (what We would do without it...) Lego catalouges from my youth.
One set I rememeber to this day, it was 6363 - service station.
For a while I was toying with thought of making it from paper.
And then.... why not.
Well it turned out to be a bit more complicated than it would seem.
The dimensions and blueprints for example.
If you don't have the lego then it's down to scratchbuilding and digging the internet for blueprints.
That was a year ago, in march I turned to build something not stright from lego box.
By now I get my hands on quite a few brikcs so I have templates.
Mech is something I always wanted to do so I checked other people creation.
Apart from the torso,arms and legs attachment the rest is mine invention.

So lets start with the arms - I didn't have them, and engines.

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