vendredi 13 mai 2016

Masking the seams and gaps on the ship's skin

Hello everyone,
I'm new to the forum and to paper modelling in general. I've got a question about finishing a ship's hull.
Currently I'm not working on a ship, but for my next project I'm going to attempt a fairly simple GPM boat. I've looked at some build logs, and noticed that after the hull skin was glued onto the skeleton, seams and gaps would be visible between the sheets of the skin. Some people left it as is, but some made it smooth using what appeared to be wax. Could someone please describe to me, in detail, a good technique of doing that?
What I'm referring to is illustrated perfectly in the thread by Michael Mash on his build of the French Battleship Jauréguiberry, post #59. (I couldn't insert a link for some reason...)
The way Michael Mash turned the ugly, gappy, papery hull into perfectly smooth and seamless hull, is simply amazing! Sadly, Michael did not include a description of how he achieved this, nor could I find it on any other build log I looked, except for very vague, one-phrase descriptions.
So, again, a detailed description of the technique from someone who uses it, would be very welcome.

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