mardi 3 mai 2016

DHC E-9A Widget Beta From Murph's Models 1/100

Friends here my last work...

DHC E-9A Widget A United States Air Force range control aircraft equipped with AN/APS-143(V)-1 radar that operates out of Tyndall AFB, Florida to ensure that the overwater military ranges in the Gulf of Mexico are clear of civilian boats and aircraft during live fire tests of air-launched missiles and other hazardous military activities. Two aircraft are assigned to the 82d Aerial Targets Squadron for the support of training missions. An E-9 can detect a person in a life raft in the water up to 25 miles away. Model from Murph's Models reescaled to 1/100 from 1/55 original scale. One pic is size comparation with earring from my wife...

Best regards!

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