mercredi 21 octobre 2015

Marek FW-190F-8 1:33 Build

This is one of the first models I bought, but looking at the engine parts it placed a dampner on my desire to build it. But after my Marek Bf109 build I decided to give it a try. I searched the Marek Marathon section in vain to try and find a build of this model just to realize that it is a newer model and most probably not around at the time.

The details of assembling the engine is very self explanatory, so I managed to get a decent result the first time. With 56 2.5mm disks and 28 5.5mm disks, I wish I had a japanese hole punch as it would have saved me hours. I only have access to a laser printer so when rolling all the tubes the ink tends to flake, even after I used a fixative. In the end I covered the whole engine with a thin layer CA to hide the flaking which also gave it a slight metallic look. There are lots and lots of little faults, but overall the result is not so bad that I would want to rebuild it. It is going under a cowl in any case.

Now I can get on with building the plane!

Attached Images
File Type: jpg Engine.jpg (146.8 KB)
File Type: jpg IMG_0900.jpg (227.2 KB)

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