lundi 14 septembre 2015

OrangeCON is comming

My modeling club IPMS-Orange county (IPMS-OC) will be having its annual contest on Saturday October 3, 2015.

The location is:
Pavilion at the University Conference Center Cal State Fullerton
800 N. State College Blvd.
Fullerton, CA 92834 (State College and W. Campus Dr.)

This is the largest model show in Southern California and we have a paper modeling category, but if you think you can pull it off you can enter your model in a plastic category. We have a terrific raffle and lots of vendor tables.

If you have been wanting to meet other "Live" paper modelers this is you opportunity. we really need to have more paper modelers to attend so bring in your models, make new friends and have a good time. you may just end up going home with a nice trophy.

Link to OrangeCON Flyer
Link to IPMS-OC

Jim Nunn

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