mardi 5 mai 2015

Alan Shepard's Mercury, can it be found?

My wife saw a tweet about the anniversary - May 5, 1961, and asked if I had ever built it. Of course, so she tweeted a pic of it. A bit worse for wear (it keeps falling over), so it lost its escape rocket, but not bad for something I built about 10 years ago. The question was where did I get it from. Finally recalled it was a combination of a the launch pad concrete base I sketched, the stand from Laszlo Vadasz "Paper Rockets" site, the 1/48 MR3 from "Cards in Space", and the escape tower from the "Precision Paper Space Models" version, combined and scaled down to 1/144 to allow comparison to the Airfix Saturn V (still in the box).

All these sites are now defunct, and yet I wondered. So mining the archives of the web I found that it can be recreated as some of the files are still available. The trick is looking up the right years.

The escape tower and stand is still available in 1/96 scale at Erick's models while it last (this site is going away...although it does exist in the internet archive) Mercury-Redstone Tower and Launch Stand
or after the end of month

The 1/48 redstone from Cards in Space at

The 1/96 scale version from Precision Space Models at (found all the mercury-redstone files, but the atlas stuff is spotty)

The files at "paper rockets" alas seem unavailable (perhaps because they were zip formats for download)

Attached Images
File Type: jpg OldMR3.144.jpg (16.9 KB)

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