vendredi 22 mai 2015

Su-26 (WoPT 1/50)

My wife and recently returned from a 3 week road trip to visit our daughter and her husband in Alabama. Before bed most nights, I would do a little paper modeling. Being on an armor kick, and knowing that I couldn't print out a new part if I screwed something up, I printed out an early and simple model from WoPT: The Su-26. This self propelled gun is based on the T-26 chassis and was built in Leningrad in very small numbers (12 or 14 vehicles depending on the source). Variations included 37mm or 76mm main guns (this one has the larger gun), and differences in the size and shape of the turret.

I didn't encounter any problems during the build. The turret is textured inside and out, but the top inside piece is missing and has to be fabricated. The suspension is very basic, and the area "beneath" the tank on the side pieces is just colored black. Still, the texturing is terrific, and it would be great if the folks at WoPT would revisit/upgrade some of their worthy early releases with more realistic undercarriages.

I finished the tank while on the road and by the time I got home I was ready to move on to a new model, so I lightly glued it to a paper maple woodgrain base without groundwork. Maybe later I'll display it on something more elaborate - probably not.

Anyway, here are some pics.

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