mercredi 15 avril 2015

DC-2, the first

Together with the MD-11, I also made a model of the DC 2, which was on my to-do list for a long time, and the MD-11 was a good opportunity to see the first Douglas Commercial and the last one together and in the same scale (apart from the single smaller DC-1 for TWA).

The model is available at E-card, for a few dollars, and is in PDF format, so you need to print it. I made it in the scale 1:65, to match the MD-11, so that you can compare these two aircraft, spanning a good 40 years of aircraft design. I printed it on the silvery paper of Chromolux, on the back side. Lines were engraved and some rivets were inscribed as described in the thread of the DC-7C. The model needs some tweaking, especially in the nose and cockpit section, as I thought it was a little too large. Also, I made the fuselage straighter, the original model has a bent roof line in the front section. Pics 1 to 7 show the result. As you can see, I made the wheels of a long strip of paper, wound around a dowel, and painting it matt black.

I got more photo's that I'm preparing at the moment.

See you later.

Attached Images

File Type: jpg top view.jpg (206.8 KB)
File Type: jpg DC-2 front high.jpg (195.1 KB)
File Type: jpg DC-2 side.jpg (154.5 KB)
File Type: jpg DC-2 aft.jpg (202.5 KB)
File Type: jpg DC-2 front view.jpg (213.8 KB)
File Type: jpg Nose.jpg (240.2 KB)
File Type: jpg door.jpg (247.4 KB)

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