dimanche 26 avril 2015

Oostenrijkse woning

A new model, with some history.

As a little child, I used to spend about a week during every summer holiday with my grand parents. They lived in The Hague. We walked to the beach and passed some wooden houses. They told me they were Swedish donations from the end of WW2.

Years and years later, I had to pick up a colleague of mine at her house, it happened to be one of these wooden houses I knew from my childhood. And, yes they were Swedish, or so she thought. Now I wanted to know more about them and I found out that they were in fact Austrian of origin. They were not a donation, but, as Austia was short on plant seeds (and money) at the end of the war and The Netherlands were short on houses at the end of that same war. These houses thus were bartered for seeds.

There is an informative website (in Dutch) on these houses (Oostenrijkse woningen) and I will upload my model shortly.

I took the liberty to ad a second chimney stack. There are two models on one sheet and the assemblage I think is fairly straight forward, with the exception of the side walls. There is a small brown triangle: that should face outward and be glues to the "corresponding" triangle in the end walls. Hope the photos demonstrate is well enough. At least, the photo demonstrates that my building skills need to be improved.

Oh, by the way, Sweden did send houses, but these were really emergency buildings, little more than a shed. On a later occasion, after the "North Sea flood of 1953", Sweden send house of a similar design, only slightly smaller.

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