samedi 4 avril 2015

card weight/material thickness help needed

Hi all

i read this post Paper Specifications/Weight question... regarding paper/card thickness, paper is not my normal medium that I model in.

The question I have is this what do you go by Lbs, GSM, points or thickness, with in the post there were several answers that contridicted each other, then there was the indroduction of cover and index which again gave different thickness.

So is there a better way of selecting the correct thickness card/paper, I have a kit that states that all elements be printed on to 110lbs sheet and that any parts that need backing should be backed with 0.020 card, the last part I understand, the first part 110lbs could be from my research 0.0085-0.010 depending what you read, where you read weather it is cover or index, so help needed.


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