mardi 9 août 2016

Shopping in Needlework, Cross Stitch Shops

Went off the other day to a proper Haberdashery Shop - I was looking for scissors actually.

I often find interesting and useful things in the Haberdashery shops - at a good price!

It's also worth looking in needlework and cross stitch shops - though these type of shops are dwindling now with the increasing internet sales.

So, I wandered off to the cross stitch section and found a whole lot of interesting stuff (which I bought!).

As most of the sewing stuff comes from the States, I am sure it is also probably cheaper that side!

Picture 1 - Patchwork Ruler. I bought the smallest one - 12 X 6.5 inches exactly (31 X 17 cm). I think it is ideal to use as a base when building 1/400, 1/250 ships. $9.00.

There was a great selection of these with lots of different and larger sizes. See Picture 6.

Pictures 2 and 3. Steel Rulers. These are thinner then the Engineer Rulers (they are used for quilting), but they are still steel and fine for paper modelling. I use obviously them for cutting, but also as clamps etc when building, so a few come in handy. And at the price.........

6"/15cm rulers - $ 0.40 each!

12"/30cm rulers - $ 0.90 each!

20"/50cm rulers - $ 1.50 each!

Picture 4. Bought two Olfa Art Knife (AK-1). $8.00 each. Expensive here I know, but these are also hard to find here. They each come with 25 blades and a "sharps" box as well. Incredibly sharp. Unfortunately they did not have the AK-4 version.

Picture 5. This shows the end of the knives, with the collet off. The slit is right through, so I think these will easily (and safely) take a scalpel blade. Bonus. Will order some blades to check this.

So there was my loot for the weekend. Check these shops out when you next go past one!

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