This is a thread to show a quick review of the Mały Modelarz F-14 Tomcat Agressor.
I started the construction report back in November 2014, but I was using photos linked
from a non-standardized photo album, and they were all lost.
Instead of trying to re-edit the old thread, I'm going to open this one, with a review of the kit,
construction notes and photos.
Note #1 - One thing that I noticed is that, when I was doing my research for this paper model,
there was no finished threads in the forums around the net; all of them left them half constructed.
I found though 2 or 3 threads in the Polish forums with the finished model, but no review or construction report.
So I had to use all of these references and create this one stop report for this awesome kit.
Note #2 - I wrote the same text in my local club's newsletter a few months ago,
so I'm reproducing it here. You can download the Alamo Squadron newsletter here:
I really hope my notes and photos can help.
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Building report of a Paper Model
The Uncanny Side of Scale Models
by Gerardo Escobedo Sainz
There are certain universal and timeless questions in life like...
What is Paper Modeling? How can you build a 3D model out of 2D diagrams?
Where can I find more information about using paper as media to create scale models?
I hope to shed some light to these ageless questions.
Paper models are my life... at least for the last 12 years, and it has been a happy trip.
Let me tell you about one model in particular: The F-14 Tomcat.

Although I had the F-14 Tomcat Aggressor paper model kit in my stach
for several months, I was not brave enough to make use of my hobby
knife in its pages. But then my wife gave me the looks for which
she is known – You Can Do It -, and so I took a very deep breath and began cutting paper.
The kit’s cover showed a very appealing version of the Tomcat. Tough and complex,
building it was going to satisfy me... I knew it... and I believed it.
For me, every model is an epiphany of life.
Paper models come in many scales, from many countries – especially Poland -,
and the range of models in paper is endless. You can find the common themes
like aircraft and armor, to the wacky things like... your own head in paper,
scale 1:1 of course. In a nutshell, paper modeling is the art of converting
2D surfaces into 3D objects using paper as a media.
I started the construction report back in November 2014, but I was using photos linked
from a non-standardized photo album, and they were all lost.
Instead of trying to re-edit the old thread, I'm going to open this one, with a review of the kit,
construction notes and photos.
Note #1 - One thing that I noticed is that, when I was doing my research for this paper model,
there was no finished threads in the forums around the net; all of them left them half constructed.
I found though 2 or 3 threads in the Polish forums with the finished model, but no review or construction report.
So I had to use all of these references and create this one stop report for this awesome kit.
Note #2 - I wrote the same text in my local club's newsletter a few months ago,
so I'm reproducing it here. You can download the Alamo Squadron newsletter here:
I really hope my notes and photos can help.
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Building report of a Paper Model
The Uncanny Side of Scale Models
by Gerardo Escobedo Sainz
There are certain universal and timeless questions in life like...
What is Paper Modeling? How can you build a 3D model out of 2D diagrams?
Where can I find more information about using paper as media to create scale models?
I hope to shed some light to these ageless questions.
Paper models are my life... at least for the last 12 years, and it has been a happy trip.
Let me tell you about one model in particular: The F-14 Tomcat.
Although I had the F-14 Tomcat Aggressor paper model kit in my stach
for several months, I was not brave enough to make use of my hobby
knife in its pages. But then my wife gave me the looks for which
she is known – You Can Do It -, and so I took a very deep breath and began cutting paper.
The kit’s cover showed a very appealing version of the Tomcat. Tough and complex,
building it was going to satisfy me... I knew it... and I believed it.
For me, every model is an epiphany of life.
Paper models come in many scales, from many countries – especially Poland -,
and the range of models in paper is endless. You can find the common themes
like aircraft and armor, to the wacky things like... your own head in paper,
scale 1:1 of course. In a nutshell, paper modeling is the art of converting
2D surfaces into 3D objects using paper as a media.
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