mercredi 10 août 2016

B-10 Fiddlers Green

Howdy Folks,

Here is a snap shot taken today of Ken Wright & Jeff Houlihan of the California March Air Force Base Museum staff
accepting my donation of the B-10 Fiddlers Green Beta build I did for Chip in 2007. The B-10 card model will be
displayed within an original B-10 turret on the museum floor.

It had been years since I visited the March AFB Museum. Someone has taken this hodgepodge repository and
whipped it into an uncluttered, organized, upscale, classy, professional, expanded experience.

This is a must see for all aviation enthusiasts and access for model reference photography.

Put the museum on your bucket list. It is worth the trip.

Bob Penikas

Attached Images
File Type: jpg B-10 top.jpg (128.0 KB)
File Type: jpg Ken & Jeff 1.jpg (62.1 KB)
File Type: jpg B-10 case.jpg (52.0 KB)

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