mardi 15 mars 2016

Scale and detail

I have been experimenting with a couple of my Millimodel designs, scaling them up to see where the existing artwork, which is at 1/200 scale, starts to look too crude.

I think it looks OK at 1/100 (UK TT scale or 3mm), but by the time it gets to 1/76 (00 or 4mm) I think the wheels start to look too flimsy without a redesign to show the wheel treads.

I have attached photos of the 2-4-2T at 1/100 scale and the 0-6-0 at 1/76 for comparison. They are printed on photographic paper, about 260gm and there are a couple of bits of wood for buffers, safety valves and whistles. Plywood track and an odd length of Triang track.

I am wondering whether to offer them as individual loco only kits on eBay.

What do you think?

Robin Madge

Attached Images
File Type: jpg Two Aspinals.jpg (245.8 KB)
File Type: jpg 2-4-2T 1.jpg (181.3 KB)
File Type: jpg 2-4-2T 2.jpg (177.9 KB)

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