mardi 15 mars 2016

1/16 British Saladin Armoured Car project

For more than a year...or two?...I have been preparing to start on another
large scale WW1 project akin to the Autocar Armoured Car.
That would be the CommerCar Horse Ambulance.
I've acquired enough photographic reference to get started...
but I keep getting sidetracked (voluntarily) with other projects.
And, I am about to sidetrack again!

When I was a kid in England...I had a number of Dinky, Corgi and Matchbox toys.
This was the prime motivation for starting the Centurion Tank project.
One of my favorite (actually, I loved them all!) diecast miniatures was the Dinky Centurion.
I can't remember exactly which issue I would have been mid to late-sixties.

I also remember having a few other Military diecasts, and this one in particular:
the Saladin Armoured Car from Matchbox Toys.
I had the Saracen model too, which was issued before the Saladin I believe.

For those who would like to know a bit more about the Matchbox issued Saladin model, this
is a wonderful Blog page about it (including some photos of the toy iteself, and the real Saladin).

Four Bees: Saladin Armored Car 6x6, No. 67 Lesney - Matchbox

Anyway, my project will be a 1/16 scale Saladin Mk 2.
1/16 scale to match my Centurion kit.
Obviously, easily downscaled during printing to any scale you want.
I will add basic printing reduction amounts to the Instructions...something I should have done with the Centurion kit!

I have started collecting reference images from the net, but I got lucky and found a nice copy of the Profile publication
for the Saladin...issue number 27. I love Profile books because they always have great detailed diagrams, side elevations,
blueprint style drawings and measurements of vehicles.

The Saladin Armoured Car was designed after WW2, as a replacement for the 4x4 AEC Armoured Car.
It went into service in 1958 and was produced up until 1972.
A staple of the British Army, the Saladin was also used by numerous other Countries
and is a veteran of six major international conflicts.
It might actually still be in use in some areas to this day...the Indonesian Army for example, announced in 2014,
they would still be deploying the vehicle in active operations.

Running on six driven wheels, it is nothing short of a light Tank equipped with a 76mm main gun
and two large calibre Machine Guns.
It has a crew of three and weighs 11 tons.

I'm just getting started on mapping out the structure and basic elements of the design.
I'm sure this will be another long term project, but I wanted to get started on it, so that
I might have something to show at the possible/planned Spring 2017 Paper Model event.

Once I get rolling with the design work, I'll probably start a work thread (if I don't continue it here).

Please stay tuned.

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