jeudi 13 avril 2017

Waterfront background for maritime pictures of models in 1;250

Hi to all,

this is not a diorama but a background to make fotographs of smaller ships and boats in front of it. It has not so much details and no concrete scene is shown although there is a real original I tried to make a model of. Scale is 1;250 as all of my models are until now.

The original is the exit of the Kaiser lock in Bremerhaven, Germany. The lock was built to get the fast steamers of the North-German-Lloyd like KAISER WILHELM DER GROSSE into the harbour. Its opening was in 1897. I am sorry that I cannot show you a model of the lock which would be to complex for me, but I am still dreaming of ;)

What I will show you is a self "constructed" model of the south side of its exit with a small light house, called "Pingelturm" by the local people which means bell tower because of its function as a mist signal.

The original scene has changed completely since 2007 when the lock was enlarged for the next generations of car carriers. So here is, what it looked like for about 110 years.

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