jeudi 13 avril 2017

Murph's Model - Northrop P-61 Black Widow, 1/42

Beta building Murph's P-61, NACA and Thunderstorm versions.
Quick build reveals the scale being 1/42 and I'm planning to downscale them to
1/72. The prototype build measures some 9-1/4" or 23.5 cm in length, so it's not
gonna be too small even at the reduced scale.

The girl graphics on the nose section in the greenish P-61 align perfectly.
Good job, Murph. I have test printed the black ones to see if the panel lines,
oh boy, lots of them, are okay. But I fear that with the light coloured one in the
kit, the templates would most likely come out of the printer in a near-mess of
black. Just like those on the Black Bird SR-71 that I have actually re-painted them
all with whitened panel lines wherever they come.

Wonder on Aaron's files if the panel lines are on a separate layer when he does
the Photoshop. I have taken the liberty to change some for you guys to see
the differences. I know, I know, some like the panel lines invisible but some
like to see them as much as possible. I would go for the latter or else all of
Aaron's hard work in painting the panel lines would go unnoticed and thus down
the drain.

So, it's your call, Aaron and the others. I'll re-inforce the panel lines with my
limited PS skills anyway to finish the models. But sure hope Aaron has still kept the
panel line layers active on his computer to give me less work. In the meantime,
I'll deal with the girlie first.


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