jeudi 4 février 2016

Aircraft Jackstands

I'm building a small diorama around Uhu02's BSG Viper. I wanted some jackstands for the model and I drew these in Photoshop. AirDave's modern aircraft accessories kit includes some hydraulic jacks. These are screw jacks similar to the ones I saw when I helped restore the EAA's B-17, "Aluminum Overcast."

I enlarged the Viper to 1/35 scale. The jacks could be used in 1/33, 1/50, and maybe 1/72. They come in all sizes and are all proportioned about the same.

I printed them on 20# paper and rolled the tubes around 1mm piano wire.

To ensure that they stood straight, I lightly glued the tubes to a piece of scrap 1mm card and then attached the braces, being careful not to glue them to the base, too. Once the glue was dry, a slight twist freed the jacks from the base.

Attached Images
File Type: jpg Jackstands.jpg (126.7 KB)
File Type: jpg Jackstands Assbly.jpg (198.8 KB)

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