mercredi 13 janvier 2016

MechCommander 2 Headquarters

Created paper models for the headquarter buildings of House Davion and House Steiner from the MechCommander 2 Shared Source release from microsoft.

Did it by hand in paint, so no pdo files :P
Also scale is a bit weird, but it is close!

Oh, the arrows mean to score along that line, and the X means to not score along the line.
I don't like putting fold lines on my models because I use them for tabletop play.

I kind of deviated from the in-game model for the Steiner headquarters, making it have an in-set roof instead of a rim on the outside. Also I textured the whole roof so the skylights are option to put on.

I've also made a variety of other nondescript buildings over the years, if there's interest then I'll post them!

Attached Images
File Type: png DAVION_G.png (102.7 KB)
File Type: png STEINER_G.png (135.1 KB)
File Type: png HEADQUARTER.png (85.8 KB)
File Type: png HEADQUARTER2.png (123.4 KB)

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