samedi 7 novembre 2015

Beta-test build ( Normandy SR2 )

Hey everybody, i'm new here on Paper Model & i want to show / help out a friend to finish / complete his 24” Normandy SR2 for final release. I will try & help as much in correcting errors & finding alternative method in building this wonderful masterpiece of the Normandy SR – 2 from Mass effect 2.

I want to say to my mate Steve ( SJSquirrel ), my mind is blown away. Thank you for letting me be apart to build this beast of the SR-2. : )

Also I will soon post a thread here of my Larger version of a 78” Normandy SR-2 paper model from Mass Effect.

OK now, lets get back to the topic of Steve ( SJSquirrel ) paper model of his 24” Normandy SR-2 from Mass Effect.

Here comes the building stage :

Page 1 :

This is very straight forward & very easy to build on the front nose. I'm using Quill 600gsm card stock for the former Ribs. As you can see in the pic i start with the former ribs for F1 to F3. There are two parts of the skin to rap around the former ribs on F1 to F3. Part 1 & Part 2. You have a lot to play around with, when i comes to gluing the skin on the former ribs. As the former ribs are at 1mm thick. Thanks to Steve (
SJSquirrel ) model design. : )

Next comes former H2F1 to H2F3, basically the same way build process as from above but it gets more exciting. It has some Valley / Mountain fold lines in the skin to shape the structure of the former ribs. And lastly you have the first completed nose joined together in the last picture.

More build / pic to come. Stay tune. : )

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