mardi 3 mars 2015

IJN Chokai, Halinski, 1:400

While constructing HMS Victorious, I also began to construct a Japanese heavy cruiser Chokai, Takao class. It is one of the first models from Halinsky. The original is printed on colored paper of red and gray colors, which is generally very confusing. Some parts do not match each other or to the place where they should be placed and axial symmetry is missing in most of the parts, too. Every beginning is hard, as well as the beginnings of paper models designers, so I took this model as a challenge. The entire model was converted into a vector; I’ve changed the original scale to 1: 400 and tried to adjust to the size and symmetry of the parts. I also modified the colors, which in my opinion did not match the reality. Due to a number of revisions, this model some "elite paper modelers” (for example from paper forum Cashpick) not even begun to build, because it is very inaccurate and therefore, in their opinion, obviously impossible to build. Nevertheless, I’ll try to build it and I’ll try to add photos of construction progress.

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