mardi 2 septembre 2014

Dennis's Paper Tiger

World of Warcraft Papercraft Orange Tiger |

OK, here we go ... I've printed the non-lined version on 160gsm A4 card (20 pages of parts), but I've got the lined version open on the net-book for reference.

I started with the tongue and worked forward to the teeth ... WRONG!

OK, I got there, but it rapidly became obvious it wouldhave been much easier to start with the teeth and work back to the tongue.

Bottom jaw completed ... Might be easier to do the chin before fitting the tongue.

Pep viewer 2D view shows where the tabs go. Believe what it tells you and just bend the part until it will go there. A peek at the lined version will help to show where the bends should be, but I prefer not to actually crease them as you get more natural curves that way. When warped into position, glue and clamp it so it will stay there.

It's not too easy to see the chin in 3D view as it's beard gets in the way, but clicking on the 2D part will reveal it's position in the 3D view. I'll not be fitting the beard until nearer the end.

'Nuff for today. Hopefully more tomorrow.

Keep on snippin' ... Johnny.

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