dimanche 11 février 2018

Paper modelers wanted at Noreastcon 2018

This is a reminder of IPMS Region 1's invitation to Paper Modelers to bring their work for display and, if desired, competition at Noreastcon 47 at the American Armour Museum in Bethpage, Long Island on 27 and 28 April, 2018. The hosts, The Long Island Scale Modeling Society, have enthusiastically endorsed and supported the establishment of a contest category for paper models. I will personally sponsor the trophy package. The only thing we need now is for you card and paper modelers to bring your work to exhibit and/or compete with. ( I will be bringing one of my feeble efforts for your amusement.) Hopefully, some of you will be willing to act as judges for this category.

More show details and entry forms are available by Googling: Noreastcon 2018.

I am hopeful of this being the beginning of a consistent relationship between Paper Modelers and the IPMS. As I have said before, I think that what Paper Modelers accomplish with their chosen medium is nothing short of astounding. Plastic modelers could and should learn from the methods of card modeling.

I look forward to seeing your work and discussing paper modeling with you. If you would like more information from me, I would be happy to help. Please e-mail me at: bpbittern@frontiernet.net

Thank you.

Regards, Nick Filippone

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