samedi 8 avril 2017

this was suspose to be a suprize for all

well?? it's not! anymore:mad: anther paper model down the tubes again?? :(
I'm not very happy anymore like I used to be anyway coming next month in May will be my 50th birthday I was hoping one of you models out there some where would make me a special kind of concept car of any kind would be happy to suprized me but I didn't think it would be so eazy to make something for me and then you would all probily say ( then everyone to would want the same thing too! so if you can't don't worry I'm going to retire at age 50 not going to do any more models here or on my website either! anyway here is my last one it's 1988 Pontiac Banshee concept car!;)

but?? if you want it I'm telling you now your wasting your time and your inks cartrage as well?:eek:

it's not worth it!:mad:

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