dimanche 9 avril 2017

pre-WWII Polish submarine ORP Wilk, scale 1/200

Ladies and Gents,
I'm back in the business with another cool model showing the history o Polish submarine warfare.

The Wilk (Wolf), Rys (Lynx), and Zbik (Wildcat) were the first submarines in reborn after WWI Polish Navy, in service from 1932. Here's some more info:

I have designed and built almost all PL Navy subs in scale of 1/200, "Wilk" and his brothers are important part of the collection which already includes:
ORP Orzeł, Sep (`39)
ORP Jastrzab, Sokoł, Dzik (`42)
ORP Orzeł, Kondor, Bielik, Sokoł (`70)
ORP Orzeł, Wilk, Dzik (`80)
ORP Bielik, Kondor, Sep, Sokol ('02)

As you can clearly see, some of the names are repeated along the 85 years of history of PL Navy Sumbarine Squadron deployed in Gdynia naval base.

Ok, to the point. The model is relatively small and simplified, although some elements were hard-to-make. I used 0.5mm thick cardboard to build the hull:

Fore section is filled with cotton wool to prevent deformation

Then, fore setion is closed from the top with foredeck element

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