jeudi 17 novembre 2016

My Second Model: F-16C Thunderbird

I actually finished this about three weeks ago, but I got stuck deciding on if I wanted to correct a major flaw before I shared.

It turns out that just because you started by clear coating your sheets of paper with a krylon spray clear, unlike a plastic model, you can't just use Future floor polish to add another coat of clear when you are done without it bleeding all of your edge coloring everywhere. If I weren't such a manly man I probably would have cried when that started happening. Or maybe I did...just a little. Lesson learned.

I finally decided not to take the time to do the bottom of the plane over, since you can't see it unless you pick it up anyway, and it was always supposed to be more of a learning exercise. This was the first time I've ever made my own clear canopy, I used the make yourself a plug using the paper version of the canopy and then just smoosh it through a plastic strawberry container heated via a heat gun approach. Was oddly satisfying and only took a couple of attempts to get a result I was happy with.

As for the kit itself, I was very happy with it, well worth the price I paid to get it on (who it looks like have updated their site since I bought this). Had a few minor things mislabeled, and a couple of spots where the parts just couldn't fit without adjustment (one wing spar is longer than the other for example). But nothing a beginner to paper modeling like me couldn't figure out.

Overall, highly recommended kit.

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