vendredi 7 octobre 2016

1/144 j.a.w.s. A-10 75-258

In 1978, the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Army began a series of tests involving
the A-10 and Army attack and observation helicopters. They called these
the Joint Attack Weapons System, or J.A.W.S.

Four aircraft were painted in a splotchy camouflage, but only three have
confirmed documentation of the patterns and colors. Here I present the
first of these repaints, aircraft 75-258.

This airframe utilized a tan base, spotted with dark green, olive green and brown.

Assembly is the same as the YA-10, however the landing gear doors are as printed.
The chaff/flare pods were not installed on these A-10s, so they were not used.

I used a small piece of sprue for the 30mm cannon, and I added the leading edge
slats, located between the fuselage and gear pods. These came from a second
printing of the wing. I also added a pitot tube on the starboard wing, using a
small syringe needle. Edge coloring was done with an acrylic paint.

Some how, after I attached the canopy and set it aside to dry, it slipped a little
to the side, giving a lopsided appearance. As these are test builds for the markings,
I did not worry about trying to fix it.

And this will be available at soon.

And now

Attachment 296868Attachment 296869Attachment 296870Attachment 296871Attachment 296872

Attached Images
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File Type: jpg Port fwd.jpg (59.6 KB)
File Type: jpg Port aft.jpg (60.0 KB)
File Type: jpg Stbd.jpg (199.6 KB)
File Type: jpg coin.jpg (249.4 KB)

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