mardi 11 août 2015

Hello from Switzerland

Hello all, ran across this site browsing through the internet.

Was looking for larger models of the Mercedes 190SL to make a replica of my car and stumbled upon lukke49's thread on building the VYSTRIHOVACI MODELY paper 190SL.

After downloading the model, and although the side profile is accurate, I was a little disappointed by the minimal amount of details.

Currently studying the Papercraft E-type to learn and see what kind of details I could create and add to a 190SL.

I am at the stage of creating paper templates for the body and testing different ways of recreating the bulbous curves that grace the car.

Eventually,the somewhat ambitious goal will be to attempt and create a 1:12 paper replica of the car.

I will be starting a dedicated thread when I am a bit further along.

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