mardi 24 février 2015

Bleriot-Spad S27 1920 ligne (1/100 scale)

Bleriot-Spad S27 1920

ligne Paris-London within 2 hours! the fastest commerciale airplane of it's time.

is still a test built, as i discover some issue with the wing setup...

i design but lacking of placement guides which i forgot the importance of them

This is my real first round and smooth fuselage design , i thought the most difficult it is not the fuselage making but the wing mount step, as the fuselage is round the balance for wing/fuse are not as easy maybe builtup a cardboard berth should help? however the model is small around 10cm (4inch) wingspan, which is make it more difficult

the finalproportion is here, but still some extra work must be done before release.

I mention i use the propeller method of Leif still simplified a lot in this model.

and is adding real difference than my previous easy but flaty blade.

here is the pics:

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