jeudi 2 octobre 2014

Kaz's CSS Jackson

Our friend Kaz delivered to me his Sketch Up model of the CSS Jackson. I saw the Civil War Ironclad, or rather what was left of it, at the Columbus Depot museum in Columbus, Ga a few months back. I think Kaz's model is quite well done, so with his permission I am making into a paper model kit.

I have decided to attempt the rail armor used on the ironclad, although the imagery is about twice the size it was in real life, simply because I could not go smaller at 1/250 scale and have it look right. However, it does capture the bolt and rail look of the ironclad. The inside of the casement is bare simply because the casement will not be removable, so only the deck and the guns will be visible through open gun ports.

Most of the added parts are basic CT Paperclad parts I generically use on my other models, canon, anchor, davits and so on. The model is waterline only, but as with most of the Confederate river Ironclads, a scale hull can easily be scratch built by those who wish it.

Thanks Kaz! Here are a few pics of the start of it.:)

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