lundi 7 août 2017

checkered flag in 3D from cars 3

in 3 ez steps! only 3 pages of ez parts to assembles! just print the first page only two times!:cool:

Attached Images
File Type: jpg cars 3 checkered flag in color.jpg (9.5 KB)
File Type: jpg checkered flag stick cars 3 big.jpg (7.0 KB)
File Type: jpg DSCF4305.JPG (1.40 MB)
File Type: jpg DSCF4306.JPG (1.37 MB)
File Type: jpg DSCF4307.JPG (1.40 MB)
File Type: jpg DSCF4308.JPG (1.34 MB)
File Type: jpg DSCF4309.JPG (1.40 MB)
File Type: jpg DSCF4310.JPG (1.34 MB)
File Type: jpg DSCF4311.JPG (1.45 MB)

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