vendredi 2 décembre 2016

Empty Pen Guts?

Dear Model Folks:
Does any one in the forum work for a Pen Company?
I was thinking that it would be nice to find a source of pens that did not ever have any ink in them to use as scoring tools. I still remember many many years ago a friend who was scoring a printed German tank with a dead red ink pen that was out of ink and 1/2 way through on a major score line it started to work again. I heard the cry of anguish 60 miles away. With the way pens are made today on massive machines some must run and not put the ink in them.
I think ink pens make a good scoring tool however I don't use them because it might start to work again, But if we had a source of pens that never had ink in the first place I for one would buy a box or two.
In Anticipation,

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