samedi 24 décembre 2016

AAAHHH There be pirates.

So there are pirates, people who make available either for free or for profit, paper models that they do not have permission to do so.

It is easy to find hundreds of paper model sources on the net.
It would therefore be safe to assume that several of these sites may be less than honest and in actual fact be crewed by pirates.

It would appear that if a forum member suspects skull duggery from any of these sites and voices his or her concern via this forum or even for that matter, just mentions the name of a possible pirate site then someone here takes it upon themselves to edit out that website name.

All well and good?
Nah, not really.
Because if the innocent and the new cannot be made aware of which sites are goodies and which are badies they cannot be blamed for making poor choices and inadvertantly supporting the pirates.

This I know because sadly, and unknowingly, I've done it.

By not naming and shaming pirate sites so as they can be avoided you are in actual fact assisting them.

HAPPY CHRISTMAS ONE AND ALL ( well, most anyway )

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