vendredi 8 juillet 2016

Costal and Riverine Soviet Vessels

Dear All:
I like interesting yet obscure subjects in modeling including the costal, riverine and amphibious vessels. Such is the case of this Armored Boat 1124 these vessels fought more often tanks than other vessels. This is a very simple 1/400 mostly from scratch with borrowed parts, in particular the T-34 76mm turrets. The fuzzy picture with the scissors is just to provide scale (and it was late).
I am also posting some pictures in “The Armory”
I hope you enjoy it. Happy modeling!
Ps I know this may be crude compared to the rest of the post but I hope nobody is offended.

Attached Images
File Type: jpg ArmorBoat4.jpg (115.3 KB)
File Type: jpg ArmorBoat5.jpg (98.8 KB)
File Type: jpg ArmorBoat6.jpg (64.0 KB)
File Type: jpg ArmorBoat7.jpg (84.3 KB)
File Type: jpg ArmorBoat8.jpg (92.8 KB)
File Type: jpg ArmorBoat9.jpg (52.0 KB)

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