dimanche 10 avril 2016

Shunichi Makino's Tie Interceptor

Has anyone else built this model?

Since there are no instructions for this build, I seem to have hit a snag on assembly. The only image I can find is the first one which doesnt provide a clear view of areas 1, 2 and 3 in the second picture.

Area 1, appears to have another part that isnt on the build sheets.

Area 2, I would assume should have the little fork pieces from the extra parts pic but I am not sure.

Area 3, also looks like there is build up that are not included.

The cockpit area (pic 3 & 4) doesnt appear to really fold and attach per the image

There were also additional parts (Pic 5) that were on the pdf that dont appear to have a clear indication on where they are placed on the model.

I downloaded the files from this location.. TIE-Interceptor

Attached Images
File Type: jpg tie.fighter.star.wars01.jpg (50.4 KB)
File Type: jpg tie.fighter.star.wars2.jpg (87.9 KB)
File Type: jpg 3.JPG (233.6 KB)
File Type: jpg 4.JPG (167.2 KB)
File Type: jpg 5.jpg (183.1 KB)

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