mercredi 14 mars 2018

Enterprise and Yorktown

I see GPM is about to release Yorktown 1940 and Enterprise 1944.

I will definitely get the Enterprise in 1944 camo. Still all time best paint scheme in the history of the US Navy. She'll look great with my old Portland and soon to be complete SLC. SLC and Enterprise did spend time together in battle if I recall correctly.

I like the reason for the 1940 Yorktown, but since I already have Hornet I won't buy this kit. However the very attractive yellow winged aircraft and unpainted deck are intriguing.

Hope these models turn out great, GPM is a very good publisher but sometimes overdoes the fineness in the smaller parts. Pet peeve of mine, if the width of the part isn't at least double the thickness of the paper, don't make it.

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