In WW1 Winston Churchill, as First Sea Lord, learned the value of "stretching the truth" to the max to build the patriotism of his countrymen and to sway the US to enter WW1 on the side of the English. When WW2 came along he refined it to a fine art. One example of this is the legend of Faith, Hope & Charity the three little Gloster Gladiators that withstood all the Italian Regia Aeronautica could throw at them. The reality was of course very different. Most of the time of the Italian offensive against Malta there were Hurricanes and even Spitfires available for the air defense. In any case I dare you to watch the this video and not get the urge to build a Glad, a Mc.200 or a three engined Sparviero.
This is the 1:60 kit by Stahlhart shrunk by the magic of math to 1:100. It is free from their website but you should really send a donation. There are other very neat kits there as well. Just another example of why this is such a great hobby.
Stahlhart Papercraft – Paper Models of Aircraft, Buildings and Figures
Progress thus far on the cockpit.
This is the 1:60 kit by Stahlhart shrunk by the magic of math to 1:100. It is free from their website but you should really send a donation. There are other very neat kits there as well. Just another example of why this is such a great hobby.
Stahlhart Papercraft – Paper Models of Aircraft, Buildings and Figures
Progress thus far on the cockpit.
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