jeudi 29 mars 2018

C.S.S. Hunley Scratch Build

This is where I hope to post my progress for my scratch build of the C.S.S. Hunley, 1864.

I have software for GIMP, InkScape, and my latest download of FREECad.
I also have Paint Shop Pro and Corel Draw. I'm an expert with GIMP but vector drawings are better with InkScape. I'll give FREECad a shot but if it proves to be too challenging, I'll lean on InkScape.

I already have a few drawings of the sub, but before I do anything else, I need a base line drawing to make the correct scale. So, I need to make some better calculations first and get a few more details.

The biggest bug-a-boo that I'm wrestling with is the bow of the sub. Is it curved by design or was it straight and then damaged, or what? There seems to be a mystery about that.

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