mercredi 21 mai 2014

1/250 Rhein-Class River Monitor

Hello ladies and gentlemen, fellow paper modelers!

Let's start this thread with some good news. I just received the result of my final yesterday, i passed all the exams with pretty decent result (8.0 out of 10 ain't bad), and thus i had finally finished my obligatory 12-year education! a milestone i had waited for so, so long. For now i just wait for the graduation, and doing what i do best: Drawing and paper modeling

And tonight, i want to present my newest build: A free ship model by Paper Shipwright, the Rhein-class riverine monitor. At first glance Paper Shipwright's models share some similarities with JSC, most notably the small-scale waterline designs and the former assembly, which is, pretty fine in my opinion

Assembly starts with the hull and casemate, which conveniently grouped on the second page. Coincidentally the thickness from freeboard to waterline is (almost) similar with my cardstock, so i could omit much of the kit formers without sacrificing the sturdiness. fitting is very good so far, and i haven't met any drama yet

Here's some pics:

Attachment 208088Attachment 208089Attachment 208090Attachment 208091

Attachment 208092Attachment 208093Attachment 208094

Attached Images

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