Well friends after a month and a half or more with very reduced activities in modeling I present my newest work on the scale 1/100: The Fokker EIII, mythical monoplane of World War I used by the German Imperial Air Service between 1915 and 1916. The series And developed between 1913/14 by the ingenious Dutch aeronautical engineer Anthony Fokker was in fact the first modern fighter aircraft because it had a revolutionary mechanism of synchronization of the pitch of the propeller with the rotation of the engine preventing that the shots of its machine gun Spandau destroyed the propeller , this allowed the German pilots to use the plane to aim their weapon, revolutionizing the aerial combat with aerial maneuvers of combat and acrobatics that today are classics like the Innelmman, the double razor looping , the wing-tip droping and many others. This small plane literally was responsible for the stoppage of the aviation of the Allies in 1916 on the western front, being called the "Fokker Sourge" by the British and French. Only in 1917 with the introduction of better fighter aircraft like Nieuport 17, the SPAD 7 and the Sopwitch Pup is that things have balanced. The E III was the most famous and numerous variant of this small airplane. The acronym "E" in German means "eindecker" (a deck or in a freer translation, a plan or a wing). Like several monoplanes of this time the wing was deformed by cables of action to make the movement of ascent, descent, droping and roll, requiring much energy of the pilot (the ailerons were only invented in 1916). But great aces like Max Innelman, Ernest Udet and Oswald Boelcke began their military careers with the small plane. Udet surviving the War as one of the greatest German aces of the great world conflict. The model designed by my friend Roman Vasyliev originally is in the 1/48 scale, but as a practice I reduced it to 1/100 scale. The model rightly represents the airplane of Udet, when it was lieutenant, belonging to unit Kampfeinsitzer Kommando Habsheim of the Luftstreitkräfte (German Imperial Air Service), in the city of the same name in Germany in 1916.
The model is very easy to build, and the major point of attention is a fact of the design use a minimal of tabs and only two formers in nose/cownling section. With carefull is possible made a beautiful replica. I like a lot build this model.

The model is very easy to build, and the major point of attention is a fact of the design use a minimal of tabs and only two formers in nose/cownling section. With carefull is possible made a beautiful replica. I like a lot build this model.
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