mardi 19 septembre 2017

Maserati 250F (1957)

I built this last weekend. The author of the model is Paul Chenard. You have a pic in very low resolution of the template on his web, here.
But you can find a better copy of the template here.
From the beginning, there are several problems with this model:
- The template is low resolution. Still, it doesn't look too bad on A4.
- There are not instructions.
- You only have these two pictures, low resolution too, as reference. And I didn't find pictures of this model built by anybody else.
Then, when you try to build it, you find more problems: There are some small pieces missing. In the pictures posted in the author's web you can see some details that are not in the template:
- a small spoiler before the rear wheels.
- the back of the seat.
- the wheels, following the template, should be directly glued on the car bodywork, but then it would be impossible to put them in paralel.
I didn't like the pilot, but then I discovered that it had a mission: to hide parts of the car.

I am satisfied with the solutions and ideas I got to build the model. Of course, the execution of the model is subpar. I still need to improve much.
Alright, my ideas:
- Print a second copy of the template, mirrored. It will be used for pieces and to cover the white back of some parts.
- Cut the bed and the laterals of the car in the mirrored template and glue them on the back of the normal pieces.
- Cut the spoiler, windbreaker and exhaust pipe in the mirrored image and glue them on the other parts.
- Cut from somewhere in the mirrored template a red piece to cover the white back of the yellow nose of the car. If you don't do that, it will be white and look ugly.
- Cut from somewhere in the mirrored template a makeshift seat back to close the hole behind where the pilot should be. I used the reddish part of the bed of the car.
- Makeshift axes for the 4 wheels. I used the pneumatics of the wheels in the mirrored copy. I cut them, I folded them in half lengthways, rolled them and glued them. I made a section cut on the rear axis so the rear wheels would be in line with the front wheels.
- In the normal template, paint black the back of the tip of the air intake.

In there is a template for another Maserati 250F.

Attached Images
File Type: jpg Maserati F250.JPG (1.46 MB)

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