mercredi 7 juin 2017

Running around in France

My wife and I spent our 25th wedding anniversary in France. We booked with Trafalgar for a 14 days trip started from Paris going south to Monte Carlo (they were setting up for the F1 race) then go around up to the medieval city of Carcassonne and staying in Hotel Le Donjon inside the castle. I can tell you for sure the hotel.... or the castle is haunted. I was worked up around 3 am by an unseen person(?)... something(?) XD We stop at other cities along the way ( I somehow deleted a lot of videos XD), wine tasting in Château Soutard, visit Claude Monet gardens of Giverny. My wife and I we both love the City of Bordeaux. We got to stay there for two days, what a beautiful city! We made our way up to Port-en-Bessin-Huppain to visit D-Day landing and back to Paris for couple more days before we came back home. Great trip! We were going to goes on our own rent a car and stuff but we are very glad we went with the tour group. We got to go places and see things we would never get to experience on our own, We actually got to see more of the France than most Frenchmen would ever get to see in their lifetime, we got a VIP experience. (wines tasting) (medieval city) (nice castle for wedding pictures) (the pig feet is awsome) (hey, I can stand on France and Spain at the same time) (I want to live there) (nice views) (how does the sailing ship get in there?) (freedom cost not free) (wish I have that bottle of holy water back in Hotel Donjon) (walking on history... soo cool) (GHOST!)

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