lundi 12 juin 2017

Father's Day Coming Up

Well, after the last five days, I could be angry at the whole world, but instead I am very thankful for my dad, my grandfather, and several other men who helped me out when I was growing up.

My neighbor never learned anything about maintaining a yard as he was growing up, so he always has to ask my opinion about things and ends up with me helping him do what I tell him needs to be done. It would be easier to do it myself, but Charles needs to learn this stuff, so I spend the time teaching. Saturday, we had decided that we were going to knock out these trees in his fence and knock back the brush along his back fence. Young men from his church came by to help as a 'service project'. I have to give them credit that they came out, but they shouldn't sit in the car while Charles went to get the chainsaw blade sharpened, while I kept working clearing the brush. I generated two big brush piles while Charles was gone, which I hauled off myself (making sure to wave at the young men when I got back from each load. Later I tried to teach them a bit about managing the situation. It's all about getting access to where you need to work, piling the brush so that it doesn't become a bigger mess, and evaluating where to make cuts to get the brush free of the tangle. My dad taught me how to do that. I'm glad I grew up in an age when fish fry's were common.

Last night a friend was having a get-together for the Vintage Group at his church (yeah, the old folks, which I'm on the younger end of that spectrum). They were having a fish fry. Hey, I hadn't been in on one of those in almost ten years. He said that Al, another friend of mine was doing the cooking and suggested I call Al, to see if he needed a hand. It turns out Al and I had a blast cooking up the fish, and when we decided we had enough, we went in to join the dinner. Al had three younger folks lined up to help him, who never showed (and I think never even called Al), so it was a good thing I was available and heard about it.

If you have an example of something your dad taught you (even if it is just manners), or you learned it from a father-figure, jot it down. Let's make this a tribute to our fathers, blood or otherwise.

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