I returneth!! :eek:
I have been out of the paper modeling world for quite some time, guys... Lots of stuff has been happening in my life these days and since paper models are quite a bit more fragile than plastic ones, I haven't felt comfortable with working on them, so they've been in storage for the last couple of years. In that time, I've switched from working on getting a mechanical engineering degree to getting certified as an electronics technician, and it turned out to be a great choice as now I'm employed at a small but respected avionics rework facility in Wichita! And I've been working on some projects in the mean time, one of which has been the XQ-6 Space Platform. I wanted to make this for the X-wing Miniatures Game forum so they could have a big setpiece for their games (and mine, heheh), so I took Goochi's platform model, blew it up to a much larger size, and put the weapons back in so that players could arm their stations.
Here's the result:

Here's where you can download the model: https://wwwhttp://.dropbox.com/s/q3jyjkmkw721yvu/XQ6%20Platform.pdf?dl=0
And here's something I'm really proud of: building instructions! I don't think I've ever actually made instructions for my models, other than making build threads, so here you go!
XQ-6 Platform building instructions, part 1 - Album on Imgur
XQ-6 Platform building instructions, part 2 - Album on Imgur
XQ-6 Platform building instructions, part 3 - Album on Imgur
XQ-6 Platform building instructions, part 4 - Album on Imgur
Hope you enjoy!
I have been out of the paper modeling world for quite some time, guys... Lots of stuff has been happening in my life these days and since paper models are quite a bit more fragile than plastic ones, I haven't felt comfortable with working on them, so they've been in storage for the last couple of years. In that time, I've switched from working on getting a mechanical engineering degree to getting certified as an electronics technician, and it turned out to be a great choice as now I'm employed at a small but respected avionics rework facility in Wichita! And I've been working on some projects in the mean time, one of which has been the XQ-6 Space Platform. I wanted to make this for the X-wing Miniatures Game forum so they could have a big setpiece for their games (and mine, heheh), so I took Goochi's platform model, blew it up to a much larger size, and put the weapons back in so that players could arm their stations.
Here's the result:
Here's where you can download the model: https://wwwhttp://.dropbox.com/s/q3jyjkmkw721yvu/XQ6%20Platform.pdf?dl=0
And here's something I'm really proud of: building instructions! I don't think I've ever actually made instructions for my models, other than making build threads, so here you go!
XQ-6 Platform building instructions, part 1 - Album on Imgur
XQ-6 Platform building instructions, part 2 - Album on Imgur
XQ-6 Platform building instructions, part 3 - Album on Imgur
XQ-6 Platform building instructions, part 4 - Album on Imgur
Hope you enjoy!
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