dimanche 7 mai 2017

Sharanus' Canberra: pics of my build

My attempt at Sharanus' Canberra. About 95% done, The Sun deck railings aren't done because I'm trying to get a friend with a Crikut machine to run the DXF file for me, and the hull planes weren't finished because I got distracted by life. Got to finish them someday. I had a bit of trouble with the roof of the bridge, so I rebobbled it by hand, sorry if it doesn't look historically perfect.
Herky asked me for pics, so here it is.

Attached Images
File Type: jpg Profile.jpg (1.54 MB)
File Type: jpg Bow.jpg (1.62 MB)
File Type: jpg Sun Deck Pool.jpg (1.32 MB)
File Type: jpg Stern Pools.jpg (2.06 MB)
File Type: jpg Rudder.jpg (1.29 MB)

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